by Kelly Timmer | Sep 19, 2023
There has been a shift in the spirit. Things are not, and will never be the same in many cases. God has done a separating, an acceleration in wisdom and understanding in many, and some have already been handed over to those desires of their own reprobate mind. With...
by Kelly Timmer | Jul 31, 2023
In this crazy world, we’re bombarded with all sorts of paths to happiness and freedom. But as Christians, we have to be sharp and choose what is good and godly, ditching all that demonic and new-age junk that can lead us astray. So, let’s talk about it! We...
by Kelly Timmer | Apr 19, 2023
Throughout my walk, I have felt the ebbs and flows of my faith. In one season, I would be on fire, zealous, and ready to take on whatever the world throws at me. I was willing to do any and everything that I felt led to do by the Holy Spirit, and not care what anyone...
by Kelly Timmer | Apr 8, 2023
God is always speaking. He always has something to say. And God wanted everyone to hear His voice. That is exactly why He sent His son to become the sacrifice so that we can get into a right-standing relationship with Him and hear Him. Communication is the most...
by Kelly Timmer | Mar 30, 2023
Forgiveness is not easy, and it is a lot more complicated than most people let on. I often find myself coaching people who would easily shrug a person off and says without a second thought, “Oh ya, I forgave my ____ a LONG time ago.” But it doesn’t...
by Kelly Timmer | Mar 13, 2023
A friend of mine, who is new to the faith, but aware that many holidays are pagan, recently asked, “Should Christians celebrate St. Patrick’s day?” My first inclination was to reply, “Well, how do you celebrate.” If I am honest, the last...